JABB MANN KA HO TO ACHA👌, JABB MANN KA NAA HO TO AUR BHI ACHA👌👌, KYU KE USME HMARI MRZI NHI, USS KHUDA KI MRZI HOTI HAI🙂 -Harivansh Rai Bachan 👉The average life span of a normal human is about 70 years....that means | 12×70=840| months to live.Suppose there is a jar full of 840 marbles and with every year 12 marbles are thrown out of that jar....Now imagine how many marbles you have left behind.... Have you used the marbles wisely that you have thrown out till now???? 👉Life will push you to break the limits.... Whenever you feel like you are losing every thing in your life,don't feel upset.... Just focus on what you have left with to do.... Sometimes things which were never supposed to happen,wonder you and happen to make you strong and help you to recognize your capabilities.... 👉Never ever underestimate yourself.... Just remember that " You are t...